Authentic and unique hand-made Brocade Handbags, Mala Bags, Passport Bags, Shoulder Bags, and Pouches from India, Nepal, and Tibet in various colors & designs are all here.
Amongst or textiles we carry, we have a few new Brocade Handbags from Nepal. We also have a bit of vintage stock bags and carriers made from repurposed vintage cloth that is hand woven and/or embroidered by various hill tribe people like the Hmong, Karen, and Akha in Burma, Lao, Thailand and Ethnic China. When these vintage handbags are gone, there will be no more like them again since the cloth is no longer available.
We also have collections of Thai, Lao and Indonesian weavings that will grace this page shortly. These include ikats* as well as many complicated supplementary warp weaving and embroidered pieces from villages around the Mekong River.