And a good time was had by all….
In Santa Fe the show goes on! While there were fewer attendees, they came to buy! We got to see old friends and even made new ones. Traveler’s Market has re-opened and is open for business.
A Good Exhibitor Turnout
This year, the show featured everything from contemporary to historic, antique to modern, with over 40 exhibitors on the Show Floor. The show also offered paintings, sculpture, and fine art of all kinds as well as jewelry and textiles. Tribal, folk, American Indian, African, and Ethnographic Asian art was on hand too and Tiger was there.
Moving On
While the show is over you can still reach Tiger by contacting us whenever you like. We’re sorry if we missed you. There are more upcoming shows in September and you can always catch us there. Tiger is also affiliated with The Santa Fe Travelers Market.
Some recent additions to inventory are posted on Face Book.
Tiger made many stops along the way from Taos to Las Cruces visiting with new and long time shop owners. “It was really good to see some old friends again.”
Tiger highly recommends staying at some of the historic hotels should you be passing through that way. “They are truly extraordinary.”
Up and Coming Shows
The Tucson Gem & Jewelry Fall Show 2021, hosted by JOGS International Exhibits is just around the corner and Tiger is planning to be there. He will be featuring his rare collection of Robert Burkett Beads almost exclusively. The show will run from September 3rd – 6th, 2021 at the Tucson Expo Center from 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM, and the last day from 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM. It is located at 3750 E. Irvington Road, in Tucson, AZ. Check it out.
Tiger will definitely be attending The “Colors of the Stone” Show which has been rescheduled for September 9 – 12, 2021 taking place at Casino Del Sol, 5655 West Valencia Rd, Tucson, AZ. You can order tickets here.
Again, he will be exclusively featuring Robert Burkett Beads.
We hope to see you there!
You can check for Tiger’s updates and news here.